Orphism - Transformation

Between 1911 and 1914 a group of artists originated from Paris, practicing a form of abstract art called orphism or better referred as orphic cubism. At that time cubism was very plane and lifeless, as orphism struck it gave cubism a sense of excitement due to its use of bright and lush colours.

Many artists such as; Robert Delaunay and other artists which include; Marcel Duchamp, Fernand Leger, Francis Picabia and the Czech-born Franz Kupka. These artist's where all involved with Robert Delaunay which was the central figure of orphism. This form of art was based on the external world for instance; Delaunay had many paintings which featured the Eiffel tower. By 1912 Delaunay focused his paintings on abstract concepts along with Kupka. These were considered as one of the first abstract paintings drawn by French artists. 

The Red Tower (1912),

Robert Delaunay


Publishing, H., 2012. TalkTalk. [Online] 

Available at: http://www.talktalk.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0039897.html
[Accessed 14 December 2012].


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