Final Design

My final concept and design where produced from the privies research I had conducted regarding movie, art and design.

I was mostly inspired from Robert Delaunay (Orphism), the bright colours he made use and the different shapes he created and contoured. Wassily Kandisky’s abstract painting also inspired me through the usage of shapes and colours, Bauhaus chair’s modern, simple designs and the movie four feathers. I also incorporated the shape of the playing cards in my design. I was able to do so, as in the movie I chose the soldiers who were on duty where protecting the queen and king’s land from the invaders.

The result achieved is a modern, sleek, decorative yet simple chair design. The creation of the chair was produced in such a form and way to show strength and importance from its size and length in a modernistic way. 

Sketches produced of a chair from different angles 

Final design produced 

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Playing Card's Chair Concept

Another original concept I came up with is to design a vintage yet futuristic looking chair, yet still combining all studied components I wrote about in the blog. My final original idea is to use playing cards to form a chair. By combing the bright red’s found in the British army uniform in the movie the four feathers, metal looking wire representing tubes, print found in Bauhaus manufacturing chairs and using only the Jack and King cards I would be combining most of the features studied and written onto my blog.

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Ergonomics of a Chair - Health and Safety

Ergonomic seating is vital for the human needs, as a chair should feature support and comfort. Doing so, the user will be able to sit in a balanced positionSome features are mandatory for a chair to be suitably comfortable and support certain weight:

Chair is to be suitable of all kinds of people meaning, the tallest, shortest users and the heaviest.

The design chair process in the making features an arm rest, enabling someone to rest better and comfortably, a curved backrest supporting to support the spine and combined metallic tubes for proper stability acting as its base. The design chair in process features a stable chair design ready for stationary work. 

Natural S-curvature of the spine 

Shoulders in various positions


Besser, B., n.d. Chairs. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 9 January 2013].

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Concept - Chair Design 2

In my second sketch idea I wanted to incorporate a new design involving; different print, different texture and materials. The beneath pictures show clearly from where my inspiration was deprived from. 

In the design I created, I wanted to incorporate the shapes Wassily had drew onto the chair's shape itself and make use of other patterns he had drawn in his own drawing. I also used wood instead of metal, drawing its texture and incorporating a colourful wave print on it.

Sketch/ Design created

I will be proceeding by sketching other interesting design's, leading me to my final product. Doing so, I will be able to finalize my research and create a bozzetto. 

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Concept process - Designing a chair

Designing a chair is seen as challenge as many precautions are to be taken such as; the ideal size, material, appropriate design etc. For one to construct a successful chair it has to be strong enough  to support the weight of an individual whilst being comfortable enough to sit in for hours as well as looking ascetically pleasing from every angle. 

I am to begin constructing on my ideas by sketching them roughly, once I have produced such sketches I am to finalize them by drawing my chosen, final idea on an A3 paper. From such a drawing, I can then create a bozzetto where I would be able to give the viewer a rough idea of the design in a 3D form.

Chair sketches found online

A video was found on YouTube, showing the exact process one is to undertake to design a 3D chair.

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Concept - Chair Design

Inspired from the beneath products my main goal was to  design and create a chair by combining all researched products together, that is; print/ design and an efficient yet simple chair model. 

Design created 

Three metallic tubes are drawn, acting as the chairs legs inspired by Bauhaus simple, economical forms. 

Combining such bright colours, multiple modern, linear shapes and forms I was able to incorporate the bright red colour seen in the movie the four feathers and Wassily Kandisky forms and shapes I had previously studied.

The above design was created for me to improve and experiment even further on my ideas. I will continue to sketch and study further models until I am satisfied with my design which will then act as my final product.  

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Orphism - Transformation

Between 1911 and 1914 a group of artists originated from Paris, practicing a form of abstract art called orphism or better referred as orphic cubism. At that time cubism was very plane and lifeless, as orphism struck it gave cubism a sense of excitement due to its use of bright and lush colours.

Many artists such as; Robert Delaunay and other artists which include; Marcel Duchamp, Fernand Leger, Francis Picabia and the Czech-born Franz Kupka. These artist's where all involved with Robert Delaunay which was the central figure of orphism. This form of art was based on the external world for instance; Delaunay had many paintings which featured the Eiffel tower. By 1912 Delaunay focused his paintings on abstract concepts along with Kupka. These were considered as one of the first abstract paintings drawn by French artists. 

The Red Tower (1912),

Robert Delaunay


Publishing, H., 2012. TalkTalk. [Online] 

Available at:
[Accessed 14 December 2012].

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