Stiletto 'Consumer's Rest' – Transformation

Design: 1983

Production: since 1984

Manufacturer: Stiletto Studios, Berlin

Size; 94 x 73.5 x 76; seat height 45 cms

Material: Varnished steel, plastic

Stiletto, inspired by every day's merchandise managed to transformed the above object, reinterpreting it into a functional chair, serving as a new purpose. 

Stiletto, a designer was previously involved in other new designs and other vast arts since 1981, coating himself: "They are to have a lucid structure, fulfill their intended function in terms of length by width by height, be industrially sound, stable, and solid, serially produced. I can meet these conditions most easily when I use containers taken from the everyday consumer cycle as my starting material..... Redesign here has less to do with recycling and more with rebirth. The design is about soul and character, not 'packaging design'."

Making use of simple and available materials found in different departments such as; supermarkets and junk yards enabled Stiletto to experiment and transform the object into an original art work, allowing him to implement his idea in a 3D form. 

Reshaping a shopping cart allowed Stiletto also to test vast materials in various ways by, spraying the cart using different tones of colour. He also made use of soft and thick foil. 


Anon., n.d. Consumer's RestStiletto. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 November 2012].


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