Henri Matisse 'The Young Sailor I & II - Transformation

Henri Matisse, 1906

Oil on canvas 100 x 82 cm

The Young Sailor 1 & 2

Matisse had originally painted the first young sailor inspired by an eighteen year old fisherman in 1906. Comparing both paintings one can realise that the first painting Matisse produced contains rough brush strokes, a wider variation of colours, attempting to blend in the colours into each other. He also went into further details, identifying the lighted areas of the sailor, creating different tones and shades. Matisse also drew the young sailor in a realistic form and more detailed compared to the second sailor.

Matisse then later transformed his first young sailor, creating a second one by using brighter colours, making use of brighter tones such as; pink in his background and darker tones of blues and green in the sailors clothing. The second sailor Matisse produced and transformed compared to the first one also implies sharper defined lines, taking his blending technique even further in the young sailors clothing. Doing so, the painting Matisse produced concluded in being more flat then the first one and unrealistic in the young sailors shape and form.


Anon., 2012. The Young Sailor. [Online]
Available at: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/1999.363.41
[Accessed 16 November 2012].

Anon., n.d. The young Sailor I. [Online]
Available at: http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/henri-matisse/the-young-sailor-i-1906
[Accessed 16 November 2012].

Anon., n.d. The Young Sailor II. [Online]
Available at: http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/henri-matisse/the-young-sailor-ii-1906
[Accessed 16 November 2012].


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